BabyBuddha Breast Pump


Our Top Picks: Best Breast Feeding Pumps


Product Information

The BabyBuddha Breast Pump is a portable and compact electric breast pump designed for convenience and comfort. It features 15 levels of control, operates quietly, and is hands-free with a hanging lanyard. The hygienic design includes a closed system to prevent milk contamination, and it is BPA-free. The pump offers a soft cushion, anti-backflow design, and multiple modes for a comfortable and efficient pumping experience. Simple to use, it has a rechargeable battery for on-the-go use.




Brand: BabyBuddha

Operation Mode: Electric

Special Features: BPA Free, Hands-Free, Portable

Material: Plastic (BPA Free)

Power Source: Battery Powered

Dimensions: 8.3 x 7.6 x 6.9 inches

Weight: 1.41 ounces

Battery: 1 Lithium Polymer battery required (included)

Country/Region of Origin: USA

Customer Reviews Summary:


5-star reviews: 70% positive feedback, praised for strong suction, portability, and convenience.

4-star reviews: 11% positive feedback, mentioned strong suction and efficiency, with some noise concerns.

3-star reviews: 5% mixed feedback, highlighted issues with noise and tube tangling.

2-star reviews: 5% expressed dissatisfaction with customer service.

1-star reviews: 10% negative feedback, citing issues with suction, motor, and customer service.

Top 5 5-Star Reviews:


Love the strong suction, portability, and battery life. Ideal for work and travel.

Perfect fit, efficient pumping for work, and daily use.

Favorite pump for exclusive pumping, allows multitasking.

Surprisingly strong suction, efficient milk removal, and good for multitasking.

Excellent suction, compact design, and long-lasting battery.

Top 5 4-Star Reviews:


Strong suction, efficient milk removal, but noise level and tube tangling mentioned.

Great pump, efficient, but noise level and tube tangling are drawbacks.

Efficient pump, strong suction, with a note on noise and tube issues.

Impressive suction, good for multitasking, slight noise issue.

Liked the pump’s efficiency but noted noise level and tube tangling.

Top 3 3-Star Reviews:


Expected more quiet operation, mentioned noise concerns.

Liked the pump but highlighted issues with noise and tube tangling.

Good pump, but noise and tube tangling are drawbacks.

Overall Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars

The BabyBuddha Breast Pump receives a rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars. The positive aspects include strong suction, portability, and efficiency. However, concerns about noise levels and tube tangling slightly impact the overall rating. The mixed customer service experiences also contribute to the rating. Overall, it is a well-regarded breast pump with notable strengths.

Product review.

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